Competitive Intelligence

What It Takes

People often ask how long it takes for SEO to work. The answer depends on many factors:  your industry, your keywords, the sophistication of your competitors, your website, your budget, etc…

In order to get realistic expectations about when your SEO efforts might kick in, you need Competitive Intelligence for each keyword you want to rank for.

Competitive Intelligence: What It Is & Why You Should Do It

Competitive Intelligence is very exciting. It’s kind of like spying. It’s also smart business.

Here is a scenario. You have a great website and you need more traffic, because…

More Traffic = More Business.

How do you get more traffic? One way is to get to page 1 of Google. Google is still king of the search engines by a long shot. Already on page 1 of Google? Get to the Top Positions on page 1 in Google. Already at the top? Get to the top for MORE keyword phrases.

So how do you do this? Grow your website? Optimize? Get Links?

Well, it depends…

The answer depends on the Competitive Landscape of your keyword phrase. Profitable, high-traffic keyword phrases will have more intense competition for page 1 in Google. This is where you want to be, right?

So, how do you get there? Use Competitive Intelligence.

Competitive Intelligence is your Blueprint for Success.

Competitive Intelligence tells you EXACTLY what you need to do per keyword phrase to rise above your competitors in Google. Competitive Intelligence helps you easily evaluate the sophistication of your competitors. How does Competitive Intelligence do this?

It compares your website to theirs, and very clearly shows you vulnerabilities. If you know where your competitors’ websites are vulnerable (and your own website), you can make better marketing decisions and plan your future internet marketing efforts based on facts.

If you know exactly what you need to do, you will know exactly where to spend your marketing dollars and your time.

What kind of information can you find out about your competitors?

  1. Compare domain age
  2. Compare size of websites
  3. Compare number of indexed pages
  4. Compare number of inbound links
  5. Compare critical on-page SEO work
  6. Inbound link profiles
  7. And many more key factors!

This is a GOLDMINE of information!

Can you imagine getting a hold of all this critical information about your competitors’ internet marketing activities? Do you know how much time you might need to research and evaluate 10 competitors for a single keyword phrase, across a full spectrum of SEO and Internet Marketing indicators, by yourself? I would guess days, perhaps weeks, if you know what to look for and can find correct information.

Here is my special offer for you.

I will research 5 keyword phrases for you and compare your data with 3 other competitors of your choice for each keyword phrase.

I will email the findings to you in an easy-to-understand C.I. Special Report.

We will have a 30-min phone consultation about the information over the phone so you can interpret the data successfully. I will also give you my professional recommendations as to what you should do with this information. This is where you SAVE MONEY. You will know exactly what your next steps should be to improve your internet presence. There is no guessing.

This is Actionable Information.

(I have to admit, I feel gleeful when I can view all of this amazing data on one, very valuable sheet of paper.)

This Competitive Intelligence package is $1925.00 for simply priceless information.

Certain restrictions apply. This information is so powerful, I may not perform this research for certain businesses or individuals if I feel there is a conflict of interest with myself or my clients.

If you want to order the Competitive Intelligence Package, please call Charlotte Howard at (928) 300-9147.

Take a look at our Portfolio of Sedona Websites

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Call us to order your Competitive Intelligence Report today!

It’s what we love to do! (928) 300-9147
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