Yavapai College

I am grateful to Yavapai College, for teaching me the right and wrong way to do things. For trying to talk me out of being a web designer because it was a saturated market and that I should be a nurse. I had the opportunity to persist, which I did. I am grateful for the Pell Grants that helped me get my certificate. I could not afford college without them. I am grateful that I got to take many of my classes in Sedona, because there was a satellite campus here. Mostly, YC taught me to teach myself.

One of my favorite teachers was Leslie Kemp. She was so funny and smart. I was forever asking how to do certain things on a website that were “Beyond the scope of the class”. Hilarious person!

I also am so fortunate to have had a world-renowned art teacher – Suzanne Klotz. She was unapologetically passionate, political, kind, strict, and eccentric and I will never forget her. Her classes were very hard for me. I really can’t believe I had such an amazing teacher! She taught me how to value my own work and about “meaning”. I share her wisdom with my clients all the time.

I am grateful to have been part of a Digital Media Arts program under Ed Uzumeckis. I learned that no matter how visionary, exciting and popular a college program can be, it can still crumble under the weight of internal politics.

My Family

I am grateful for the support of my husband when I was taking classes. It was hard on everybody to be studying, and working, while raising small children.

I am grateful to be self-employed. It has its challenges, but I have really enjoyed being able to work around my kids’ schedules. That was why I went to college in the first place.

My kids are almost grown and out of the house. I fed them and sheltered them. They are healthy. We have been able to stay in Sedona and do a few extra things because of the money I make designing websites.

My Clients

I am grateful for every client, even the ones that were mean, (or drunk or wacked). I learned valuable business lessons from everyone. I still learn from every client, even today. It is the nature of the internet world. Things change every day. Every client is different. Businesses and goals are different. I am grateful to still be doing creative digital work for wonderful people who appreciate it.

350+ websites later…

Thank you.