Why Choose WordPress for Your Website

Running a small business means dealing with a variety of issues in a number of different situations. This means that, among other things, you have to be able to work on your website from wherever you may happen to be at any given moment. Using WordPress gives you the flexibility of working from anywhere, and gives you the freedom of creating while you’re on the go. Here are some notable advantages of WordPress over other website platforms.

WordPress Gives You Freedom

Some website creation tools are burdensome to use, expensive, and require more resources than you could easily take with you. Not so WordPress. You can use WordPress with the most basic of laptop computers, and you can use it from anywhere in the world. When you use WordPress for your website, you are free to work anytime, anywhere, and any way you want. WordPress is a platform that resides on your server, so you don’t need to buy programs for editing that have to be installed on your computer and you can access your website for changes anytime.

It’s Not Proprietary

If you are having a website built using proprietary software – good luck. You will be tied to the company’s platform (CMS – Content Management System) or designer/developer and be dependent on only them to make changes and provide customer support. If (or when) it comes time to move your site or hire someone else to work on it, you may not be able to. It is very likely you will have to start over at a new host, with a new platform, and a new website with a new designer or programmer. Anyone with skills can work on a WordPress site. And, we recommend hosting with a third party, so you have the ultimate control over who works on your website.

The issue of not being able to move your site from a proprietary system also applies to websites like WIX, Weebly, GoDaddy Site Builders, Shopify, SquareSpace, etc… If you outgrow their systems in any way, you will have to start over somewhere else.

WordPress is Easy to Learn

Some website creation tools are so complicated that it requires a class just to learn how to use them. What’s more, given the ever-changing state of software, users of those other software platforms must dedicate themselves to continually keep up to date on developments and changes.

On the other hand, WordPress is a simple tool that is easy to use and almost intuitive in its interface. Users can learn to use WordPress in a matter of hours—sometimes even less than that—and many changes or updates can be simple to accomplish.

When you begin blogging with WordPress, you don’t have to worry about dedicating huge chunks of time to learning to use it, or to keeping up-to-date in the future. Rather, you can rest assured that you will have the freedom and time to concentrate on your core business competencies.

WordPress Has a Number of Useful Features

One would expect that, due to its ease of use and relatively simple interface, WordPress would be a “bare bones” website creation tool without any of the bells and whistles that other, more complicated, tools offer. On the contrary, WordPress offers a number of useful features that may not be available on more complicated software platforms.

For example, WordPress includes the following features:

  • The ability to manage users. Not all members of your small business need to have the same level of access to the website. One employee may need the ability to add content, while another may need the ability to completely rearrange the layout of the site. With WordPress, you can manage exactly what each employee can do, thus ensuring the safety and security of the website you have worked so hard to build.
  • WYSIWYG editors. Most WordPress themes these days offer built in WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) page builders that make designing complex web pages easier than coding alone.
  • Global Elements. WordPress has global elements like headers, sidebars, widgets, footers, and menus to help minimize design time.
  • Infinite Customization. Combining theme options with plugins offers the designer infinite ways to design cutting edge websites that have all the features a user might need.
  • Revision Control. Many themes keep track of all your revisions, so it is easy to restore to previous versions of a page or post if you make a mistake.

WordPress is Perfect for the Following Types of Websites:

  • Brochure websites (simple business)
  • eCommerce websites
  • Gallery websites for artists
  • Hospitality and Tourism websites
  • Membership websites
  • Blogs

WordPress is Easy to Optimize

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a critical piece of your website’s success. WordPress is easy to optimize and you can “touch” every single SEO opportunity on a web page. Many other proprietary systems do not have this kind of unique access to all the elements of a page that can be optimized.

WordPress is a Great Choice for Your Small Business

With all these features, there’s no reason to use any software other than WordPress. Everything you could possibly need out of a blog or website is right at your fingertips, and it gives you the opportunity to create what your mind has envisioned.

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