A GREAT way to increase conversions on your website is by adding or improving your CALLS TO ACTION.

Believe it or not, you DO need to tell your website visitors what to do. And, you need to strategically place these Calls To Action on your pages where they have relevancy with your text.

Here is my TOP 20 List of STRONG Calls To Action that you can use on your website RIGHT NOW!

  1. Call us today at (928) 300-9147 and ask for a …
  2. See how we areSee examples of
  3. Reserve your seat today or Check Availability
  4. Get your free report / analysis / estimate / consultation etc …
  5. Watch this video …
  6. Order your copy / book / sweater here…
  7. Add To Cart/ Buy Now
  8. Sign Up for our Newsletter / Free Article /  Special Report …
  9. Start saving / learning / growing… Get started
  10. Read this helpful … Read more about this amazing…
  11. Learn how to… Learn why Learn how you can
  12. Get or Download Your Copies today!
  13. Listen to this interview ….
  14. Buy 1 get 1 FREE
  15. Join today and receive a free …
  16. Find out which camera is better …
  17. Use this handy calculator to
  18. Book onlineOrder online safely and securely …
  19. E-mail us with your questions …
  20. Send us your

These Calls To Action should get you started. Be creative. Mix them up. Put at least one on every page on your website and see what happens. Make sure you have prominent, really good Calls To Action on your most popular pages!


How can you spend marketing dollars (and your valuable time) efficiently if you don’t know how people found you? How can you find out?

If your business depends on the phone ringing – Ask. Ask your customers how they found you. Was it “word of mouth”? An ad in a magazine? In Google? IN GOOGLE! Say, “Really? How great! Do you remember what you typed in to find me? ” Many, many times your customer does remember! It is worth asking!

Other simple ways to track conversions include split testing, using unique offers, unique pages. Add new features to your website and track the results. Use Google Analytics and other statistic programs to watch customer behavior. Find out what works for YOUR business.

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